Union Rights

  • Fired anti-worker Trump National Labor Relations Board General Counsel Peter Robb, infamous for his role in de-certifying the air traffic controllers union following the strike in 1981. Biden ousted the Trump appointee on day one. 

  • Union members always have a seat at the table. President Biden appointed card-carrying Laborer, Marty Walsh, to lead the US Department of Labor, as well as appointing Laborer Jessica Looman to head the DOL Wage and Hour Division. Launched the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, led by Vice President Harris. 

  • Protected and strengthened Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rules by implementing a historic update that modernizes the process for setting wages to strengthen the wage floor. 

  • Tough on union-busting employers and contractors who steal wages. The Biden Administration is cracking down on employers bargaining in bad faith with workers exercising their union rights.

  • Empowered OSHA to improve jobsite safety by reinstating critical protections eliminated under the Trump Administration, improving workplace injury reporting and expanding investigation and safety enforcement efforts. 

  • Mandated worker-friendly PLAs on federal projects to ensure that government projects create more jobs for union members and bring unions to the table from the start of project negotiations. 

  • Reversed Trump’s attacks on the U.S. Postal System, protecting the rights of postal workers and reinstated the ability of federal employees to collectively bargain. 

  • Rolled back the Trump policy which stripped federal workers of their union representation and made it easier to fire federal employees without “just cause."